美麗家園 Our
INDUSTRY-BASED Our Vision: PROVIDE A GUILDLINE TO ESTABLISH YOUR PROFESSIONAL DREAM COMES TRUE. For information you need, please email to: GreenSkyDatabase@gmail.com
| You are goint to the top of mountain with a lot of helper together. However, depending on what is your goal, there is a way to go to top of the mounting. All you need to do is trust of the God, there is a door for you if you see the window is closed. Call us if you need help.
说明:一个月的暑期课程将包含80小时的设计课,36小时的3D建模训练课,36小时的二维建筑表达课以及18小时的建筑名作参观,总计超过150小时。 第一天报到之后每位学生都会在学校有一块属于自己的工作室区域,除安排的课程及参观以外,学生均可自由使用工作室。